Some years ago I sent out a newsletter with a Zen Koan. It went on for some months and reached a handfull of people. For posterity's sake…
A mechanic has his tools, a hammer, a wrench, anything that enables and simplifies his life. A software developer needs tools as well, but…
There is only so much time in a day to consume news. Be it articles, reviews, interviews, opinions or whatever. With so many options to…
SuperRare is a Marketplace for digital artworks, which can be purchased with Ether and whose Proof-of-Ownership is being recorded on the…
So I have been dabbling in the crypto & blockchain scene for quite a while now, but have only seriously started to learn Solidity last year…
Say hello to the digital recreation of my soul, whose corresponding hash with proof-of-ownership tied to my MetaMask Wallet lives on the…
It was some years ago, when I realized that from the first waking moment until I fell asleep I was enveloped inside an auditory cocoon, that…
UPDATE: The left pair broke and couldn't get repaired so I got the Apple Airpods. They have better sound and battery life than the bragi but…
"For He is the Knower, and the Knower can know other things, but cannot make Himself the object of his own knowledge, in the same way that…
I am not in Space and you most likely neither.
For as long as I could think I was confused about the situation that we have found us in on this beautiful planet. Thrown into reality…
If you are trying to learn to code, like I am right now, and need some help to concentrate, I recommend you try out some sites that produce…
"The universe is information and we are stationary in it, not three-dimensional and not in space or time." "We appear to be memory coils…
There is so much to see and do in this friggin' universe. The only solution that I see to instill the curiosity of humanity is to find out…
My old blog sucked. This one sucks too. But less. Maybe. Probably not. Because I'm awesome. I will write the most useless and profound stuff…